• For Individuals claiming record under the age of 18, Record attempt should be done under the restrictions of their parents and guardians.
  • World Records Community have the rights to abort the record attempt if any deformity, external support or misleading acts are found.
  • Paucity of Witness consequently leads to deterioration of efforts and certainly it will be a dismissal of record attempt.
  • Web presentation and delivery of certification ideally carried out within the time of 1 week but sometimes and unfortunately it can be delayed when World Records Community overcomes some technical issues and unfair concerns. Record aspirant must consider the delay.
  • World Records Community only deals with record aspirants. Involvement of third party is strictly not allowed.
  • The expense to complete the record attempt should be carried out by record aspirant himself.
  • World Records Community has the right to share all the details of record holder regarding record attempt for promotional purpose.
  • World Records Community is not responsible for any bruise, trauma or any kind of wreckage in Physical or Emotional aspects while the record attempt is going on. Any kind of injury or death is subjected to personal responsibility of participant.
  • Record Aspirant is self willingly bringing out the record attempt without personal enthusiasm of World Records Community.
  • Record Aspirants ought to submit all the documentation and witness recommended by World Records Community before or after the Record Attempt.
  • The Logo of World Records Community is officially registered. It cannot be used without acceptance of World Records Community.
  • World Records Community own the right to eliminate the current record holder from web after the current record has beaten by other record Aspirant.